Monday, February 19, 2007
Dear Congressman Duncan

I emailed this letter to my congressman after his vote with the Democrats and against our troops.
Congressman Duncan:
I’ll attempt to keep this brief. Once again you are on the wrong side! You are joined with the gutless wonders of our nation by voting for this cowardly resolution which achieves nothing more than undermining the morale of our troops.
I wrote to you after the invasion of Iraq, which incidentally, removed one of the great mass-murderers of our time and a constant threat to the hope for stability in the Mideast, from power, telling you that I would never vote for you again unless you recant your vote against the invasion. Well, I’ve kept my promise. Furthermore, I’ve also successfully discouraged others from voting for you. I could name more than a handful who agree with me. We are small in numbers, but I’m discovering almost daily that there are more conservatives who feel as I do. We may be insignificant to you, but we are more numerous than before.
I have not voted for any Democrat, but I was thrilled to be able to vote against you in the primary this go around. I knew nothing of the man except that he wasn’t Jimmy Duncan. That was good enough for me.
Well, I know for sure Teddy Kennedy, Hillary Clinton, Nancy Pelosi, John Murtha and Barney Franks are proud of you. I’m sure they think you’re “progressive,” “insightful” and a man of “character and courage.” Of course they do; you sided with them. It takes no courage whatsoever to vote for staying home and ignoring a problem about to eat our nation alive.
I know you keep your job by bringing lots of government confiscated money to our district. You’re an expert when it comes to “pork.” Which only proves, some Tennesseans can be bought.
My prayer is that America wakes up and realizes that if we don’t fight terrorists over there, we will most certainly fight them over here. My hope is that our glorious nation, apparently divided in two, will hear the voice of God and the clarion call of our ancestors who warned us that liberty is not free and must occasionally be paid for in the blood of its citizens.
One thing I know for sure, when this battle is won and the Muslim terrorists are subjugated and diminished, (though, sadly, probably never totally,) history will not look back at you and say, “Yes, Congressman Duncan stood strong for our nation and ignored the polls, choosing to pay the price required for freedom.”
You may think we can agree to disagree, but if I am right, this disagreement will mean the loss of tens of thousands of Americans and, not to mention, the loss of American pride, power and place in this world. Congressman, you might be happy to be the next France, but I, and many others, am not.
Lastly, I’m just one measly constituent. My opinion, I’ve no doubt, will have no affect on your view, but don’t forget one thing...I never miss a vote!
With heart-felt sincerity,
p.s. Please do not return any prepared, copy-and-paste responses. I and all of Tennessee already know where you stand.
An Officer and a Gentleman?
Who is the lieutenant who says the war is "immoral" and that he doesn't have to deploy with his troops? Exactly what kind of coward is he?
Is he supposed to pick and choose his fights? Was he so stupid that when he volunteered for the Army that he didn't know he might have to follow a few orders that he didn't like?
What are commanders supposed to do when they order a soldier to charge a machine gun nest? Are they supposed to form a committee and discuss the moral implications and legalities of charging machine gun nests?
Does he think that he will have the moral authority to order men into situations that they deem immoral and illegal should he ever find himself in a combat situation? Will he expect his troops to follow his orders to the letter without argument?
Why doesn't this scum resign his commission if he doesn't like the war? Why is he hanging around with all those Hollywood hot-shots who use him to undermine troop moral? Why is he not in Leavenworth yet?
Is he supposed to pick and choose his fights? Was he so stupid that when he volunteered for the Army that he didn't know he might have to follow a few orders that he didn't like?
What are commanders supposed to do when they order a soldier to charge a machine gun nest? Are they supposed to form a committee and discuss the moral implications and legalities of charging machine gun nests?
Does he think that he will have the moral authority to order men into situations that they deem immoral and illegal should he ever find himself in a combat situation? Will he expect his troops to follow his orders to the letter without argument?
Why doesn't this scum resign his commission if he doesn't like the war? Why is he hanging around with all those Hollywood hot-shots who use him to undermine troop moral? Why is he not in Leavenworth yet?
Labels: actors, hollywood, honor, military, war