Monday, March 21, 2005


Murder in Iraq?

Now, if this don't take the cake! We have a US Marine being accused of murder for doing what the government is paying him to do...kill terrorists! I don't know all the circumstances surrounding the alleged "crime," but I do know that we are going to swiftly reach the point where an all voluntary military will be a thing of the past.

Who wants to face both death and a lawyer around every corner? What brave young hero would want to go over there to face the enemy only to come over here and face a court martial?

For sure, we don't want our foot-soldiers just arbitrarily lining captured enemy combatants up against a wall and blowing their brains out. Still, we don't want them to hesitate one second to pull the trigger when that second can cost both their lives and the lives of their companions.

We're there to win. Some will die. We just want most of the dying to be on the side of the enemy.

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Friday, March 18, 2005


Quality of Life vs. Value of Life

Poor Mrs. Schiavo who finds herself unwittingly, literally, in the middle of a value of life vs. quality of life debate, is totally incapable of speaking up and expressing exactly how she feels abour her imminent demise or her, perhaps, continued lingering in limbo. Her "husband," who is that in name only, wants to remove the feeding tube that has sustained her for fifteen years and her parents, who are certainly that, want to keep it in place. Both claim to have her best interests at heart and I, for one, don't claim to know enough about the circumstances to distinguish just what the right answer is.

Still, it is a familiar debate with familiar circumstances and arguments. The pro-abortion crowd is typically droning on about "quality of life." They seem to always side with the supposed "right" to take life from the unborn, the aged, the sick or any other class of human being that, in their view, doesn't live up to their arbitrary standards of a life worth living. Those who have no voice are too often thought of as having no value. This crew probably wouldn't think my life is worth living either.

Now, if I'm being kept alive by "extraordinary means" and am being prevented from my Heavenly reward, by all means, let me pass on to be with my Maker. At that point, I hope that someone who loves me more than himself/herself will be the one determining my "quality of life."

Saturday, March 12, 2005


Sore Losers and Sour Grapes

I am constantly amazed at the sore losers in the Democrat party who are still not over the 2000 election, not to mention the one in 2004. They cry and wine and make incredible accusations of voter fraud and election theft that are totally without foundation or evidence. They, like your average modern toddler, think if they hold their breath till they turn blue or throw themselves on the floor in a tantrum, mommy-government will ultimately give them their way. They belly-ache and accuse and skin their ignorance simply because they're sour over the obvious choice of the American voters. They stand in total disbelief that the citizens of the U.S. would reject their "progressive", actually leftist, policies in preference of more traditional, conservative policies.
I survived the election and re-election of Slick Willie and always called him my president. I didnt' like him or his policies or his base morals, but never questioned his legitimacy. I fought against his low morals and socialist political philosophies, but never tried to circumvent the constitution as our tree-hugging opponents are inclined to do. They can't understand that the country that has kept both houses of Congress in majority rule for over ten years would elect a like-minded Chief Executive. How strange!
Well, I've got three words for them: Get over it! You lost; we won. I hope we win next time, but, God forbid, we lose, we'll fight for the hearts and minds of the American people and not just sit on our duffs pining and accusing.

Friday, March 11, 2005


Murder in Atlanta!

It's going to be a crying shame when they catch that murdering swine, (which is probably unfair to pigs,) who killed the four people in that courthouse, if he isn't gunned down or doesn't take the coward's way out, to see the ACLU come sliding in to save his sorry life. If these bleeding hearts spent as much time and energy trying to protect the innocent as they do the guilty, crime would drop by fifty percent in no time at all.

Thursday, March 10, 2005


My Money?

It seems to me the Democrat Party has a real problem with the concept of American citizens planning for their own retirement their own way. Old Teddy Kennedy thinks I don't have the good enough sense to invest my hard earned cash in a secure plan for my future. I don't know how I live from day to day without him and Hillary, et al., looking over my shoulder.

Monday, March 07, 2005


Living in a cesspool!

Ya, know it seems our state, not to mention our friendly little town has decided that vice is the way to fund everything from education to paving the roads. We can pay for it all with legalized gambling, liquor and, who knows, maybe a little legalized prostitution. Think of the tax revenue we're missing right there!

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