Saturday, March 12, 2005


Sore Losers and Sour Grapes

I am constantly amazed at the sore losers in the Democrat party who are still not over the 2000 election, not to mention the one in 2004. They cry and wine and make incredible accusations of voter fraud and election theft that are totally without foundation or evidence. They, like your average modern toddler, think if they hold their breath till they turn blue or throw themselves on the floor in a tantrum, mommy-government will ultimately give them their way. They belly-ache and accuse and skin their ignorance simply because they're sour over the obvious choice of the American voters. They stand in total disbelief that the citizens of the U.S. would reject their "progressive", actually leftist, policies in preference of more traditional, conservative policies.
I survived the election and re-election of Slick Willie and always called him my president. I didnt' like him or his policies or his base morals, but never questioned his legitimacy. I fought against his low morals and socialist political philosophies, but never tried to circumvent the constitution as our tree-hugging opponents are inclined to do. They can't understand that the country that has kept both houses of Congress in majority rule for over ten years would elect a like-minded Chief Executive. How strange!
Well, I've got three words for them: Get over it! You lost; we won. I hope we win next time, but, God forbid, we lose, we'll fight for the hearts and minds of the American people and not just sit on our duffs pining and accusing.

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