Saturday, January 15, 2011


What if my president...

What if my president had handled the "pep rally" the other day differently? In all fairness to him, he appeared taken aback by the repeated thunderous applause from supposed mourners who were no more than Obama fans jumping on the chance to see him. What if, when they were chanting his name and loudly proclaiming their love for him, he had stopped in mid-speech and said something to the effect, "Wait! This is not about me. This is about the six dead, including a nine year old girl who had barely begun to live. Please don't chant my name, but do remember these families in your prayers." Believe it or not, that would have made even an old right-winger like me who can barely stand the man give him respect for setting those star-eyed zealots strait.

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Shooting in Tucson...I mean the Sheriff's mouth was shot off!

It was stupefying to see Sheriff Clarence Dupnik of Pima County, Arizona today, while being interviewed by Megan Kelley, blame talk radio and people against Obama-Care for the murders in Tucson recently. Oh, and I laughed when Megan pointed out to him that he is, surprise, surprise, a Democrat. Funny though, that he knew nothing about the fruition of some charges against the shooter from some time back when it appears he had made death threats against the congresswoman. I suppose the, cough, good sheriff was too busy trying to figure out how to blame this mindless violence on Rush Limbaugh. God help us!

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