Friday, November 14, 2008


His Full Name?

A thought occurred to me recently.

It's been a tradition for around a century now. So, I wonder, will our new president be sworn in with his full name?

Richard Milhous Nixon, Ronald Wilson Reagan, Franklin Delano Roosevelt, Dwight David Eisenhower, John Fitzgerald Kennedy, Lyndon Baines Johnson, George Walker Bush and more.

And now...

Barak Hussein Obama!

I just wonder. That's all.

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Tacky Remark

I'm so glad that President-elect Obama has Nancy Reagan to kick around. There's nothing makes you feel like a manly-man more than attacking a ninety year old widow woman.

What a man! What a great leader he is!

Amazing, but not surprising, that every time this guy strays from his tele-prompter, it results in some tacky and, often, stupid remark coming out of his pie hole.

Times like these are when his true colors come through. (Someone would probably say that's a racist remark.)

Of course, you can't blame him for picking on Nancy. After all, she is a "typical white person." Good thing I can cling to my religion and guns.

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Thursday, November 06, 2008


Never Again!

I double-dog dare any Republican to tell me that I need to vote for their guy because the other guy is so bad, when I really don't care that much for the Republican guy in the first place.

From here on and for the rest of my life, I will vote my conscious. I will vote for whomever I think is best for our nation and fits my philosophy the closest.

Never again Will I vote for the "lesser of two evils."

I'll vote for whomever I believe God wants me to vote.

And if no one else worth having is on the ballot, I'll just write in Alan Keyes.

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