Friday, April 24, 2009

I finally came up with a nearly perfect metaphor for why so many in this prosaic nation are apparently fascinated with our new president. They see him as this beautiful and brilliant, articulate genius who will save the world, (or, at least, their version of the world,) but he is, in reality, no more than the tacky lamp stand in the holiday neo-classic "A Christmas Story."
If you've seen the movie, you'll recall, Darren McGavin, the "Old Man," is mesmerized by the "major award" he wins in a crazy trivia contest which is actually nothing more than some sort of throw away, unsaleable, good-for-nothing, gaudy, cheap, plastic piece of junk. He is fascinated simply because it somehow makes him feel special, although there's really nothing special about the lamp at all. Eerily, his children are also captivated by the "soft glow of electric sex gleaming in the window" of their home.
His witless neighbors stand stupidly in the street, dumbfounded by the dull light from the lifeless leg in the window. None seem to comprehend that it's not really art, nor that, in reality, it's just kind of sad.
His wife alone realizes that it's crap, but the "Old Man," because it makes him feel special in a bogus sort of way, cannot see the true nature of the lamp. To him it "glows" in the night and gives pseudo-illumination to his otherwise gloomy existence.
When the lamp finally comes crashing down, he sorrowfully and biterly hugs its pieces to his broken heart. He glares at his wife, blaming its destruction on only one who recognized its genuine lack of value, defiantly declaring, in pathetically mumbled clarity, "Not a finger!" He never understood the true worthlessness of his beloved lamp.
When the cheap lamp we call Obama finally comes crashing down, those who believe in him, who believe in his truly false "hope" and "change," won't, I believe, budge an inch. They'll blame everyone but him and themselves. They'll do this because to condemn the lamp is to condemn themselves; to condemn the lamp is to condemn their judgement; to condemn the lamp is to condemn their dreams of what they feel this country should be. If they ever admit the truth, they'll be admitting that they were fools all along and that their foundation is made up of so much cheap plastic.
Yet, I can't help but wonder, when that cheesy lamp slams to the ground and shatters into a thousand little pieces, who will be standing over its broken remains? Will that one have been responsible for pushing it over? Will it be another, perhaps worse, megalomaniac who will self-centeredly taking that prime opportunity to wreck the world for his own aggrandizement? Who will it be? Hopefully, it will simply fall over under its own weight.
I don't know, but I can hardly wait to hear the crash! I only pray that those of us who recognize the difference between art and junk and right and wrong don't come crashing down with it.
Labels: "A Christmas Story", Barack Obama, Darren McGavin
Thursday, April 16, 2009
Bowing to the Monarchs...Sheesh!

So, my president decides to go to Saudi Arabia and bow at the waist to their king? Now, he's trying to claim he only stooped because the king was short? How full of hot air can this guy be!?!
Labels: Barack Obama, King Abdullah
Monday, April 13, 2009
God Bless My President!
God bless the U.S. Navy and my president, Barack Obama!
I won't make any promises about tomorrow, but today, I won't say anything bad about him the man.
Three head shots and three kills! Wow! Those Navy SEALS are too awesome! They are some bad mamma-jammas!
I won't make any promises about tomorrow, but today, I won't say anything bad about him the man.
Three head shots and three kills! Wow! Those Navy SEALS are too awesome! They are some bad mamma-jammas!
Labels: Barack Obama, military, pirates, terrorists, U.S. Navy
Thursday, April 02, 2009
"I Love You, Barack Obama!"
Stevie Wonder is one of the biggest bigots in the wold!
He was on American Idol the other night doing a medley of his hits, which are numerous, when he started singing some song about love, peace, hope or other such malarkey. I didn't recognize it as one of his "hits." In the middle of the song, he suddenly blurted out, "I love you, Barack Obama!"
Now, why would he do such a thing? (Did someone tell him the President was in the audience? How would he have known any different?) I've never seen him on t.v. lots of times and he's never acted this way before?
I imagine he voted for him and is excited about him and by him. Still, why is he so excited and why did he vote for him?
Apparently, he, like so many Americans, is thrilled to have a black president. The problem is, how does Stevie know that Bary is black? Sheesh! How does Stevie even know that he is black? Someone must have told him.
For all Stevie knows, both he and Barry are white, Asian, Greek or whatever else. Stevie has been blind since birth and doesn't even know what black is.
In my never to be humble opinion, this is simple prejudice. Here's a man to whom color of skin should be totally meaningless. Yet, he voted for and is excited by a guy that someone told him is black. How could Stevie even know that he's not being lied to?
Other than just the fact that the entire affair was completely silly, it was a testimony to the trifling nature of the Hollywood elite and all other such liberal ignoramuses. They see themselves as so hip and current and just too cool for school and their prejudice and bigotry is painfully evident to everyone in the real world, but, not surprisingly, not to themselves.
I can't imagine a singer shouting out right in the middle of a musical number, "I love you, George Bush!" No doubt, he would've been the butt of a hundred jokes and skits on late night television. Nope, no hypocrisy there.
He was on American Idol the other night doing a medley of his hits, which are numerous, when he started singing some song about love, peace, hope or other such malarkey. I didn't recognize it as one of his "hits." In the middle of the song, he suddenly blurted out, "I love you, Barack Obama!"
Now, why would he do such a thing? (Did someone tell him the President was in the audience? How would he have known any different?) I've never seen him on t.v. lots of times and he's never acted this way before?
I imagine he voted for him and is excited about him and by him. Still, why is he so excited and why did he vote for him?
Apparently, he, like so many Americans, is thrilled to have a black president. The problem is, how does Stevie know that Bary is black? Sheesh! How does Stevie even know that he is black? Someone must have told him.
For all Stevie knows, both he and Barry are white, Asian, Greek or whatever else. Stevie has been blind since birth and doesn't even know what black is.
In my never to be humble opinion, this is simple prejudice. Here's a man to whom color of skin should be totally meaningless. Yet, he voted for and is excited by a guy that someone told him is black. How could Stevie even know that he's not being lied to?
Other than just the fact that the entire affair was completely silly, it was a testimony to the trifling nature of the Hollywood elite and all other such liberal ignoramuses. They see themselves as so hip and current and just too cool for school and their prejudice and bigotry is painfully evident to everyone in the real world, but, not surprisingly, not to themselves.
I can't imagine a singer shouting out right in the middle of a musical number, "I love you, George Bush!" No doubt, he would've been the butt of a hundred jokes and skits on late night television. Nope, no hypocrisy there.
Labels: American Idol, Barack Obama, hollywood, liberals, Stevie Wonder