Friday, October 09, 2009
"Pardon the Interuption"

Sheesh!!! I just heard Mike Wilbon, who co-hosts "Pardon the Interruption" on ESPN, call Rush Limbaugh a "bigot." The story is that Rush, news to me, is buying in on the St. Louis Rams. Some black players on the team are saying they'll refuse to play for him.(They better have good lawyers if they breach their contracts.) Wilbon even tried to claim that Rush has made favorable statements about antebellum slavery! Of course, Tony Kornheiser, in true white-guilt fashion, amened Wilbon's uninformed, obnoxious statements.
Well, pardon my interruption, but that is a pile of manure! That's an ugly, ugly red herring!
I am way, way, way over tired of people who never listen to Rush, do not agree with him on his politics and are offended by his rock-ribbed confidence throw the "bigot" word around. Even poor, pathetic Jimmy Carter says that if you don't agree with our president, it's because you're a racist. I am way, way, way over tired of people who never listen to Rush, or myself, accusing us of racism and bigotry because we won't give in to their political terrorism. Small thoughts for small minds.
I suppose that since I don't like Al Gore, I should never buy another Apple Computer? I suppose because I don't like most of the actors in Hollywood, I should never watch another movie?
Ninety-plus percent of black voters consistently vote Democrat in national and state elections. Now, a statistic like that begs the question that liberal media will never ask: "Exactly who are the bigots here?"
P.S. I had to look these birds names up on the internet. They're really not famous enough for me to know them.
Labels: Apple Computers, bigotry, ESPN, hollywood, Jimmy Carter, Mike Wilbon, NFL, Rush Limbaugh, Tony Kornheiser, Volunteer Football
Praises for Der Fuhrer

Well, I suppose I've got to get my two cents in on this topic. Everybody else has.
Does anyone believe that Barack Hussein Obama, huh, huh, huh, didn't get a big ego kick out of the children being taught to sing his praises? Does anyone really think that it's o.k. to change the words to traditional Gospel songs like, "Jesus Loves the Little Children," and "The Battle Hymn of the Republic" to sing praises to any politician?
Does anyone believe that if similar songs to George Bush were sung during his presidency, that the "main stream media" wouldn't have had a cow? Does anyone believe that if similar songs to Ronald Reagan were sung during his presidency, that the "main stream media" wouldn't have gone apoplectic?
I've seen the old thirties film of children singing praises to Hitler in Nazi Germany. Does anyone believe that there really is a difference?
Labels: Adolph Hitler, Barack Obama, children, Jeusus, Nazis