Thursday, April 28, 2005
Blue Blood Republicans
It gets a little old listening to the patrician class, blue blood, or as they call themselves, "Log Cabin" Republicans scold the conservative wing of the GOP, which is most Republicans, for concering ourselves with virtue and family values. They are the same guys who gave the Democrat party the unearned reputation of being the "people's party." They are the ones who helped the DNC hold onto both houses of congress for fifty years. They are the same ones who caused the GOP to become known, erroneously, as the party of the rich.
They smugly mock the lowly soldiers of the Republican party who are passionate about issues of morality. They say that Republicans shouldn't worry about such trivialities and should concentrate on the economy and defense. They seem to be mostly from the northeast and, of course, the more populated parts of the country, (blue states). We "red state" Republicans are only thought of as quaint and archaic. They want our votes, but not our voices. They seem to think that we should keep our old-fashioned values and Bible-thumping morality out of politics. So, what is the difference between this crowd and the DNC? Apparently, not that much.
What this crowd, and others, forget is that the GOP has always been about morality and spirituality. We were the answer to the spineless WHIG party when the country was on it's ear over the question of slavery. We supported freed-men in the south when the Democrats were running wild in the night with their white sheets trying to intimidate black families to "stay in their place."
The Republicans are the ones who fought for the Equal Rights bill when "Sheets" Byrd of West Virginina, et al., were doing all they could to stop it. We were the ones who were registering black voters when the southern Democrat run KKK was murdering them in the Alabama. (The DNC didn't sanction the Klan, but Klan members were exclusively Democrat.)
Now we are the same political party whose president hired the first black secretary of Defense and has helped more minorities own their homes than at anytime in history. Now, since it wasn't even a question fifty years ago, we are the ones who are fighting to protect the already beleaguered family and the rights of the weakest in our society...the unborn.
We unapologetically continue the tradition of standing up for the "little guy." We will relentlessly continue the battle for "life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness" for those who have no voice. We will hold fast to those old-fashioned values that made our country great. We will not be swayed by opinion polls or wavering, ever-changing values or the lack thereof.
They smugly mock the lowly soldiers of the Republican party who are passionate about issues of morality. They say that Republicans shouldn't worry about such trivialities and should concentrate on the economy and defense. They seem to be mostly from the northeast and, of course, the more populated parts of the country, (blue states). We "red state" Republicans are only thought of as quaint and archaic. They want our votes, but not our voices. They seem to think that we should keep our old-fashioned values and Bible-thumping morality out of politics. So, what is the difference between this crowd and the DNC? Apparently, not that much.
What this crowd, and others, forget is that the GOP has always been about morality and spirituality. We were the answer to the spineless WHIG party when the country was on it's ear over the question of slavery. We supported freed-men in the south when the Democrats were running wild in the night with their white sheets trying to intimidate black families to "stay in their place."
The Republicans are the ones who fought for the Equal Rights bill when "Sheets" Byrd of West Virginina, et al., were doing all they could to stop it. We were the ones who were registering black voters when the southern Democrat run KKK was murdering them in the Alabama. (The DNC didn't sanction the Klan, but Klan members were exclusively Democrat.)
Now we are the same political party whose president hired the first black secretary of Defense and has helped more minorities own their homes than at anytime in history. Now, since it wasn't even a question fifty years ago, we are the ones who are fighting to protect the already beleaguered family and the rights of the weakest in our society...the unborn.
We unapologetically continue the tradition of standing up for the "little guy." We will relentlessly continue the battle for "life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness" for those who have no voice. We will hold fast to those old-fashioned values that made our country great. We will not be swayed by opinion polls or wavering, ever-changing values or the lack thereof.