Tuesday, June 21, 2005
The Greatest American

I have been keeping up with the "Greatest American" on the Discovery Channel. It's mostly interesting, but sometimes, sadly reflective of the ignorance of our government educated citizenry. I think Elvis and Walt Disney were cool, but they should not be listed among the top twenty-five greatest Americans. (Oprah and Ali definitely don't belong.)
My easy choice for the single greatest American ever is George Washington. Without him, we wouldn't have a country in which to debate who the greatest of us is.
I was very pleased to see those who made it to the top five. The list we have now is arguably inclusive of the greatest of our citizens. They include, in no particular order:
1. Dr. Martin Luther King
2. President Ronald Reagan
3. President Abraham Lincoln
4. Benjamin Franklin
5. President/General George Washington.
All of these affected our country in ways that are immeasurable and, as time goes by, becomes more recognizable and, hopefully, more appreciated. (By the way, George W. Bush pulled in a tight sixth place.)
The contributions of all these Americans should easily overwhelm, in so far as our honoring them is concerned , their vices. They all were men of imperfection who rose to the tasks presented them and moved, or formed, this nation in ways in which we could never fully repay them, except, perchance, to live our lives as honorably as we can.
I must say, though, that I was shocked to hear the derogatory remarks made about some against the candidates on the show. One young black man stood up and remarked that Washington couldn't qualify for greatness because he was a slave owner. So, perhaps at least half of our founding fathers are disqualified from being called "great" because of that reason? Perhaps they should be disqualified simply because they didn't believe in universal suffrage. They felt that only land-owning, white males over the age of twenty-one should have the vote. (Incidentally, I don't believe in universal suffrage myself.)
Perhaps people would like to disqualify Dr. King because of alleged Marxist ties and rumored infidelity. Lincoln was against things like interracial marriage and he was for segregation, so, I suppose that disqualifies him. Franklin was renowned as a bit of a party animal, so to speak, and even liked the French! Should that disqualify him? Should Reagan be written off for Iran-country even though he is the single most salient person responsible for the fall of Communism in Eastern Europe. I don't think you could write off these men's contribution to our freedoms for any personal shortcomings that may have plagued them.
Well, anyway, it's just a t.v. show and doesn't amount to anything much. I do find it interesting to hear the opinions of those involved with the show and their reasons for supporting the various candidates. You actually can even pick up a little history by watching. Still, all it really proves is that many people will vote on just about anything between American Idol seasons.
Labels: Abraham Lincoln, Benjamin Franklin, Martin Luther King, Ronald Reagan
Friday, June 17, 2005
Marine Nazis?
So, Senator Dick Durbin of Illinois says that U.S. Marines and Nazis are the same? He's says they're as bad as Pol Pot? He says they're running a gulag in Gitmo? That the discomfort of baby-killing terrorists is equal to the murder of millions of Jews in Polish death camps? Just what kind of fool is the guy?
I'd love to hear him make that remark outside of the Senate to the face of a Marine. That moron would be talking out of the side of his mouth real fast!
Who are these people? How dare they make personal attacks against the ones who are fighting and dying to give them the right to shoot off their stupid mouths!
On the other hand, I must admit, I'm rather enjoying the average American hearing the vestiges of the Democrat party showing the real selves. About all they have left is homosexuals, abortionists and anti-America buffoons. That's fine because it just makes me even prouder to be a Republican. I love belonging to the political party that supports the war on terror, respect for the flag, the president and the military, the sanctity of life and is the last habitat of rugged individualism.
So, keep talking Durbin. I'm lovin' it!
I'd love to hear him make that remark outside of the Senate to the face of a Marine. That moron would be talking out of the side of his mouth real fast!
Who are these people? How dare they make personal attacks against the ones who are fighting and dying to give them the right to shoot off their stupid mouths!
On the other hand, I must admit, I'm rather enjoying the average American hearing the vestiges of the Democrat party showing the real selves. About all they have left is homosexuals, abortionists and anti-America buffoons. That's fine because it just makes me even prouder to be a Republican. I love belonging to the political party that supports the war on terror, respect for the flag, the president and the military, the sanctity of life and is the last habitat of rugged individualism.
So, keep talking Durbin. I'm lovin' it!
Tuesday, June 14, 2005
Return to Neverland

So, the "Gloved One" is innocent of all charges. Isn't the what the jury said? He didn't do it; he was wronged. He was falsely accused by the state of California and a couple of dozen witnesses.
The people of the jury, in their infinite wisdom, saw fit to let Jackson return to his home and his old life-style. They say he didn't hurt any children or molest this one and a forty-six year old man sleeping with little preadolescence boys is perfectly normal and totally harmless. All of Jackson's arguments that it is his way of expressing special love for the boys is the honest truth, I suppose.
Only in California? Well, let's hope so! The star-spangled eyes of the giggling jurors who let this creep walk, are the type of sycophantic groupies who continue to make Jackson the "star" that he is.
They were, from what I could tell, quite delighted with themselves in the post-verdict interview. The one kooky lady, when asked if she would let her children stay with Michael, only dodged the question in a way that would make the most devious politician drool with jealousy. All she could do was attack the mother, (who does happen to be an idiot,) and chuckle about the whole thing.
Is mike guilty? I don't know. I know what I think; I know he's proven himself to be perverted time and again. (Just watch his hands in a couple of his videos, if you have the stomach.) Does it mean he's innocent just because the kid's mother is a jerk? Of course not. Does it mean he's a child molester just because he's bizarre beyond words? Of course not. Do I believe that there has been far too many accusations to be no truth whatsoever to any of the charges? Of course I do.
So, Jackson returns to Never Land with relative Cart Blanche to do as he please with whomever he pleases. No prosecutor will drag him into court now with anything less than video?
How many children would be alive today in Florida and elsewhere had the authorities and their parents been more vigilant and took less chances with the lives of their children? How many children will pay for the incompetence and thoughtlessness of the adults in this country who didn't protect them. The fatherless and destitute will always be the ones who are preyed upon by the molester. No wolf goes after the strong ram, but always attacks the sick or wounded lamb left alone with no one to protect it.
Labels: Michael Jackson, Neverland
Thursday, June 09, 2005
I love Howard Dean!!!

I love Howard Dean! He is the best thing to happen to the GOP since Terry McCauliffe or, perhaps, Jimmy Carter!
I hope they keep him around a long, long time. He just keeps running that yap and proves everything I've said about what is left of the Democrat party. All they have are the leftist, liberal, socialist, anti-God, anti-individualism, anti-capitalism, hard-liners like Teddy, Hillary, Al, Barbara and the rest of the nutty gang.
Anyone, no matter what your heritage, who stands up and proudly calls themselves a Democrat today, aligns himself with people who think spearing a baby in the head and destroying it's brain is a good thing. They align themselves with people who think that men should be able to marry one another and adopt children and that that's a good thing. They align themselves with people who think we should stop the war on terror and try to be more understanding of the terrorists. Sheesh!
So, just keep on talking Dr. Dean. It's like the wise man said: some people are thought a fool and then they open their mouths and prove it.
Labels: Democrat, Howard Dean, Jimmy Carter