Thursday, June 09, 2005
I love Howard Dean!!!

I love Howard Dean! He is the best thing to happen to the GOP since Terry McCauliffe or, perhaps, Jimmy Carter!
I hope they keep him around a long, long time. He just keeps running that yap and proves everything I've said about what is left of the Democrat party. All they have are the leftist, liberal, socialist, anti-God, anti-individualism, anti-capitalism, hard-liners like Teddy, Hillary, Al, Barbara and the rest of the nutty gang.
Anyone, no matter what your heritage, who stands up and proudly calls themselves a Democrat today, aligns himself with people who think spearing a baby in the head and destroying it's brain is a good thing. They align themselves with people who think that men should be able to marry one another and adopt children and that that's a good thing. They align themselves with people who think we should stop the war on terror and try to be more understanding of the terrorists. Sheesh!
So, just keep on talking Dr. Dean. It's like the wise man said: some people are thought a fool and then they open their mouths and prove it.
Labels: Democrat, Howard Dean, Jimmy Carter