Tuesday, August 16, 2005


The Coward's Way Out

Here I go again! To this day, it infuriates me to hear the Dem-Libs talk about how we need to get out of Iraq. They give weak , vague lip-service to standing firm in our commitment to freedom, democracy, our troops and the Iraqi people, but can't seem to be specific in how you do that while saying everything we are doing over there is wrong and we should get out quick.

They and their ilk, obviously, don't realize that the first Gulf War never actually ended. It's end was no more than an armistice, a cessation of hostilities, much like that of WW I. The appeasers and wimps only put off the inevitable in both cases.

In Gulf War I, we stopped the conquest of the Middle East by a modern day Hitler who would've taken over the worlds' major oil supplies, driven the price of crude through the stratosphere, put half the west out of employment and then would've started WW III, causing the deaths of, perhaps, hundreds of thousands.

We did what the UN wanted in '91; we left the Butcher of Bagdad in power. Yet, were we supposed to wait forever while he continued to threaten his neighbors, seek to create and purchase WMD's, murder his own people by the tens of thousands, continually shoot at our jets, mislead the WMD inspectors and kick them out as he pleased. Only the foolish liberals, whose predecessors in WW II were so deadly wrong, could believe "containment" would've ever been successful with Uncle Saddam. (Just ask Neville Chamberlain.)

Quitting now would be political, moral and national suicide! We will never be able to lift our heads to the world. If no one ever trusted us again, who could we blame? If we quit now, none of that will matter because we won't survive as a nation anyway.

Nature abhors a vacuum. Who would fill the vacuum as world leader if we abdicate the post? France? Germany? Spain? England isn't interested in the job.

It's sad to lose our blessed youth in a horrible war, yet, it is sadder still to lose them and then lose the war. (Remember Vietnam?) It's not time to cut and run; it's time to stand and deliver.

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