Tuesday, September 27, 2005
Enlightened Republicans
The Democrats love them because they agree with more Democrat policy than Republican policy. They've "figured out" that homosexuality and abortion are really not so bad. The war on terror? Well, that's not such an issue to be concerned about. Tax cuts? Now, that's something we'll have to reconsider since there are so many sick old people out there. Gun laws? Perhaps we need more of those even though criminals totally ignore them.
Mostly it's about whatever makes the way easier for them. Whatever avoids having to make all those hard choices. Whatever gets them money and votes for the next election is really all that counts. Whatever gets them invited to the best parties with the cool celebrities and helps them not to feel like the high school geeks they used to be. Their argument is that it's all about being practical.
The Dem-Libs will slap them on the back and tell them how much smarter they are than their fellow Republicans and how glad they are to have them aboard. They'll give them honorable mention on t.v., in speeches and at public functions as being someone who is pragmatic and willing to "reach out" across the isle.
John "Jimmy" Duncan, our local congressman, is a prime example of a man who is buddying up with the wrong crowd. I've already written him and informed him that he can no longer count on my vote, (if he cares.) I'm sure Jimmy is basically a fine man, but he is more in agreement with Teddy Kennedy, Al Gore, and John Kerry than with the majority of Republicans when it comes to the war. Every time I hear him on local radio or see an interview with him him in the D.P.A., (Democrat Paper of Athens.) he's always defending his stance, or the lack thereof, on the war in Iraq. No doubt Hillary Clinton is proud of him.
Bill O'Reilly, who is certainly no staunch Republican, if Republican at all, is one of the "enlightened" ones. He calls the war in Iraq "chaos" and appears to think that it's virtually impossible to win. He agues that homosexual adoption of children is fine as long as they are "good, moral" homosexuals. Sheesh! You could cut the contradiction in terms with a knife. Religiously speaking, being the good Roman Catholic that he is, he still says that being sincere in your religion, any religion, is good enough to get you to Heaven. (I suppose that's the ultimate "enlightenment.)
So, what's my point? There's no shame in being a Republican and/or a Conservative and never, ever think that you'll win the approval of the left in any other way other than sacrificing your convictions and losing your soul.