Monday, November 28, 2005


Remember...He's a Democrat!

Democrats and Patriotism
One thing and one thing only do we need to bare in mind when that Congressman Murtha starts calling for immediate withdrawal of American troops: he is a Democrat. Nothing else matters; that's his only concern. He lives for his party.

It's a crying shame! Politics supersedes religion, family and often the good of the nation. I am not meaning to question this guys patriotism or courage, just his judgment, (not to mention, his loyalties.) "Patriot" seems to mean different things to different people.

This guy voted for John Kerry, Al Gore and Bill Clinton and that conclusively proves his consistently poor judgment. You can't ignore "little" things like that. These guys can talk all the trash they want about God, guns and country, but when they cast their vote for these mealy-mouthed, pencil necked geeks, they prove it's all just talk and talk comes easy.

remember, we have a term for those like Murtha, Hillary, Alan Combes, and that flaming lib. from Louisiana-Carville...."Yellow Dog Deomocrats". they would soon vote for a yellow dog than anyone who is not a democrat.
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