Monday, February 20, 2006


A Stained Blue Dress, a Bombed Out Aspirin Factory and Coretta Scott King

Well, I hoped everyone enjoyed the free multi-hour commercial for the DNC yesterday. I know I did...not!

I didn't get to see most of it, but saw parts and clips later. I also saw Alan Colmes, who seems to get dumber by the moment, not to mention more liberal, attempt to defend the unashamed, incessant caterwauling that spewed from every Socialist mouth there.

Nevertheless, I did see President Bush sit there on that podium and take it like the gentleman that he is. I would've walked out or gotten thrown out!

They talked about everything from WMD's to health care. Mrs. King was barely mentioned and Jesus definitely was left out of the "memorial service."

Now, I obviously, didn't know Mrs. King, except by reputation. Still, she always appeared to me as a classy lady and her husband was certainly a brave man who's life made America, nay, the world a better place. It seems I and they had the same basic goals, although our theories on how to implement them might've been different. (Although, I don't believe Dr. King would've liked Affirmative Action and quotas.)

Mr. Colmes and some liberal guest vainly argued that everything that happened at the funeral was just perfectly fine and no one was the least bit rude to the President nor his wife, (who was forced to sit stoically while her husband was trashed). The liberal guest called it "venting."


What if, at at Reagan's funeral, Republicans would've rose up and remarked ad nauseum about a blue stained dress and bombed out aspirin factories? What if they had ranted on and on about Elian Gonzales and gun wielding federal agents? What if they had droned on about witness tampering, sexual harassment and impeachment? What if someone had named a certain former president who had his law license suspending for lying to a grand jury under oath? Suppose they had drawn out the connection between a certain first lady testifying in court and the bombing of Iraq? Imagine if they had, one by one, named the eighty-plus who died at Waco? What if they had done so?

Well, of course the Democrats would've been apoplectic! They would've had a cow! They would've demanded an apology and droned on about how tasteless and mean-spirited the Republicans are. It is of a truth, the Democrat hypocrisy knows no bounds!

Still, I loved it! Let them go on and on with their lies and rudeness. I thrill when I see the Democrats show their true colors. If they think this won votes for them, I say give them another funeral to raise the roof at. I correct my earlier statement: This was not really a DNC campaign commercial; it was, in actuality, a commercial for the GOP.

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