Saturday, July 01, 2006


Protect their rights!

Well, the Supreme "Corrupt" Court says that prisoners at Club Gitmo should receive the same rights that POW's receive who are soldiers of countries that have signed the Geneva Accords. They say that they should have those rights because everyone "should." They, typically, talk about rights and never responsibilities...same old, same old.

Somehow they mangage to ingnore the part of the Geneva Convention that allows armed combatants taken on the field of battle out of uniform to be summarily shot as spies. Certainly, those being held today are exactly that(not spies, but out of uniform, etc.,) and, not to mention, they are certainly given more "rights" than they deserve.

These berobed, benighted liars..lawyers are also the same people who made laws that say the guy in Florida who raped, tortured and then buried a nine year old girl alive should have his confession thrown out because he asked for a lawyer and didn't get one quick enough. Forget the fact that the poor little girl asked not to be stuffed in a garbage bag and left to die, while her rights were definitely violated. Still, we certainly must protect his constitutional rights.

If idiot lawyers gave half the energy to protecting the rights of the innocent victim that they do to protecting the "rights" of the scum of the earth, there would be half as many victims because there would be half as much crime. Additionally, lawyers might have a slightly better reputation than they do. Presently, it seems the majority of lawyers are no more than high priced whores who will work for anyone who pays them. Truth and justice be damned!

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