Tuesday, November 14, 2006
Dodging the Draft?
I thought this witch hunt had breathed its last. Apparently, I was wrong!
Among the many things that I am sick of hearing out of the Democrats is the perennial false accusation that Bush is a "draft dodger." Same old, same old! I thought that they were over this, but I guess they somehow still figure if they keep throwing that old lie against the wall, someday it might stick...at least with some people.
I had no idea that volunteering to fly fighter jets in the Texas Air National Guard was equivalent to draft dodging. Incidentally, the records show, (not the Dan Rather forged documents,) that Bush made multiple attempts to be transferred to Vietnam, but was unable to get in enough flight hours for the move.
I actually thought this slam was gone, but have been hearing it a lot recently. Apparently, it's been brought back to bear again due to more attacks on our military by John "F 'n" Kerry, et al. I even heard Bob Beckel on Fox News call Bush a "draft-dodger." I'm not sure what branch of the service ol' Bob was in...oh, yeah, none of them.
I suppose to a Democrat, the National Guardsmen who stormed the beaches of Normandy in 1944 were draft-dodgers. I suppose the Guards who fought in Korea and Vietnam were draft dodgers. Further back, the state militiamen who fought in the Revolution, the Mexican-American War, the War Between the States, the Spanish American War and other conflicts were draft-dodgers. I suppose the many Guardsmen and Reservists in Iraq and Afghanistan today are draft-dodgers too? Sheesh!
Now, who is a draft dodger? Let me see...Bill "Slick Willie" Clinton! Yet, it's funny, that when he ran for president, character and a man's military record, or the lack thereof of either, didn't seem to matter. Bill wrote to his draft board that he found himself as one "loathing the military" and no Democrat has ever once questioned him on that...not once!
So, the beat goes on and even in this election victory, the Democrats are bitter, unhappy people. They're nothing more than a bunch of bitter, name calling, America loathing, anti-capitalist, cut and run, Bush hating Socialists who'd complain if they had a job in a pie factory tasting pies.
Among the many things that I am sick of hearing out of the Democrats is the perennial false accusation that Bush is a "draft dodger." Same old, same old! I thought that they were over this, but I guess they somehow still figure if they keep throwing that old lie against the wall, someday it might stick...at least with some people.
I had no idea that volunteering to fly fighter jets in the Texas Air National Guard was equivalent to draft dodging. Incidentally, the records show, (not the Dan Rather forged documents,) that Bush made multiple attempts to be transferred to Vietnam, but was unable to get in enough flight hours for the move.
I actually thought this slam was gone, but have been hearing it a lot recently. Apparently, it's been brought back to bear again due to more attacks on our military by John "F 'n" Kerry, et al. I even heard Bob Beckel on Fox News call Bush a "draft-dodger." I'm not sure what branch of the service ol' Bob was in...oh, yeah, none of them.
I suppose to a Democrat, the National Guardsmen who stormed the beaches of Normandy in 1944 were draft-dodgers. I suppose the Guards who fought in Korea and Vietnam were draft dodgers. Further back, the state militiamen who fought in the Revolution, the Mexican-American War, the War Between the States, the Spanish American War and other conflicts were draft-dodgers. I suppose the many Guardsmen and Reservists in Iraq and Afghanistan today are draft-dodgers too? Sheesh!
Now, who is a draft dodger? Let me see...Bill "Slick Willie" Clinton! Yet, it's funny, that when he ran for president, character and a man's military record, or the lack thereof of either, didn't seem to matter. Bill wrote to his draft board that he found himself as one "loathing the military" and no Democrat has ever once questioned him on that...not once!
So, the beat goes on and even in this election victory, the Democrats are bitter, unhappy people. They're nothing more than a bunch of bitter, name calling, America loathing, anti-capitalist, cut and run, Bush hating Socialists who'd complain if they had a job in a pie factory tasting pies.
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Sorry for not posting on this absurdity before now but I just happened upon it. Who said all Gaurdsmen were draft dodgers? I agree about the Normandy Beaches and all of that. But stick to the truth if you would. Bush didn't get in enough flight hours to transfer because you have to actually be in a plane to aquire hours. You cannot be in a plane while making beer runs for your buddies. God Bless the National Guard. Not only have they sacrificed their lives in this mess dubya got us into but they sacrificed their jobs and livelihoods also. Their families fight bill collectors and struggle to eat while they pack sand bags into the sides of their humvees to try to keep from making widows and orphans out of their loved ones at home.
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