Thursday, August 30, 2007


Life is a Sandwich

Life is a Sandwich! It's made up of pretty much what you want on it. You can even pick the kind of bread you like.

It can include education, life-style, dreams, goals, family, acquaintances and even tragedy. You can wrap it in love and devotion and good attitude and it can turn out to be quite the delectable little bite.

On the other hand, you can make yourself a guano sandwich wrapped in stale loaf. Even if someone makes it for you, it's yours to take or reject.

That's life in a nutshell. Too many of us spend our lives making a guano sandwich and then, after taking a big bight out of it, we, surprise, surprise, don't care for the flavor. Then we waste a lot of time and energy looking for someone to blame for the meal or, worse yet, looking for someone to fix it for us because we don't like what we've done for ourselves. If they won't fix it, we get angry with "them." We might even try to force "them" to fix it at their own expense. Why? Because we are upset at the life we have chosen for ourselves.

Personal responsibility is, occasionally, a bummer! It would be nice to make a mess and then make someone else clean it up. You know, kind of like the way most kids do these days: dirty your room and lit momma clean the mess. Still, who made the decisions, good or bad, that put us in the place where we are today?

Well, in my case, if life for me is a guano sandwich, I can easily look over my life and see where I spread it on thick with a great big butter knife. Some things I though would taste great, turned out to taste horrible.

Is it fair? Probably. Is it just? Certainly. Do we have to like it? No, but we have to realize who put us where we are. It's called maturing. Otherwise known as growing up.

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