Tuesday, October 23, 2007


Carbon Off-sets and Indulgences

How are "carbon off-sets" like indulgences? Both are a license to sin.

In 1517, Pope Leo X offered Indulgences for those who gave alms to build St. Peter's Basilica in Rome. It was a simple enough plan. Pay some money; get a piece of paper. Receive guaranteed absolution of sin before, during or after the fact. Sweet!

Today, former Vice-President Al Gore offers and receives, from the "in-crowd," absolution for what lefties would consider environmental sin by simply buying carbon off-sets. How does it work? Burn all the gas you want; create all the carbon pollution you like. Live in big mansions and fly private jets around the world. All you have to do is pay some money; get a piece of paper. Receive guaranteed pardon for your offences against Mother Earth.

The Democrats who always profess that they are for the "little guy" continually show their elitist attitude. They want us to walk to work, turn down our thermostats and generally revert to the stone age. All the while, each of them jet set and live in multiple mansions using more energy than a hundred or a thousand of those "little guys" they claim to represent. Don't worry. It's alright. They have a piece of paper saying they are exculpated of their sins. Once again, because they have extra money, they claim extra privileges.

If I hear one more Democrat say that Al Gore has a "smaller carbon foot print" than I do, I'll barf! Al Gore has really big feet in his private jet and four mansions. They say that he is "carbon neutral," but, if so, why isn't he decreasing a problem that he says is more dangerous than terrorism. Assuming he's right, and he is "neutral," is neutrality the best he strives for?

Well, I've known Al Gore long enough to to expect no less than hypocrisy from him. I even remember when he was adamantly pro-life. I'm sure he imagines he'll one day stand before the God of nature, holding his little "Indulgence" in his hand claiming the exemption that he knows in his heart isn't coming. I pray that he realizes, before it's too late, that the only plea man has for the absolution of any sin, is the Blood of Christ.

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