Monday, October 01, 2007
Rock and Roll Jesus???

So, Kid Rock has a new album and song out called "Rock and Roll Jesus" Even more, I just saw an ESPN commercial using it in a sports promo.
Granted, I couldn't understand what Mr. Rock was saying. The lyrics are, as yet, unavailable on the net, apparently since the album is not yet available in the stores. I confess, I am not a big Kid Rock fan. So, I don't want to rush to judgement. Still, It would be a stretch to think that this "song" will be flattering to the Son of God.
I admit, I'm often too flippant and rarely, I'm sure, serious enough about my faith. Yet, too many use our Saviour's name in ways that they shamefully don't feel any shame for. Our society, in general, brags far too much about being far too irreverent. Although it may be sometimes cute or, perhaps, funny, we are lowering our standards and humour in ways that, in the long run, our nation is already beginning to regret.
Lastly, I can't help but wonder. If the song had been "Rock and Roll Muhammed," would they have still used it?
Labels: Christian, Jeusus, Muhammed, Music, Muslim, Rock and Roll