Monday, March 17, 2008
Blaspheming God...Cursing America

Surprise, surprise, surprise! B. Hussein Obama's pastor is an America-hating racist.
Surprise, surprise, surprise! B. Hussein Obama is now trying to backpeddle and pretend he never knew.
Sure, Hillary didn't know Bill was cheating on her and Obama didn't know his pastor is a bigot. These people want us to believe they are smart enough to be president?
It's amazing to see small, white minds, like Bob Beckel, et al., make excuses for "Reverend" Jeremiah Wright. He could use any foul language from the pulpit he wants and these silly liberals would defend him just because he's black and they want the black vote. There's obviously nothing reverent about this "Reverend."
One other thing: If I'm going to a church where the pastor doesn't know you're not supposed to say "G.D.",especially not from the pulpit, and, even more, the congregation stands up and cheers when he does, I'm out of there. Simple as that.
There's another church on the other corner or the next where I can go. I can readily find a place where I can serve God, if that's my desire, where the sermons are safe for my children and not rated PG13.
Labels: Barak Obama, blasphemy, Christian, church, Hillary Clinton