Friday, December 26, 2008


Where's the Birth Cirtificate?

Why does Barack Obama not want to let America see his birth certificate? Why doesn't he shut up all the nay-sayers by simply letting the rest of us have a peak at the document in question?


He's a bastard. Perhaps, even the man he claims as his father, is not. Who knows?

I certainly don't mean this as an insult. It's just a theory of mine that I am more and more convinced carries some weight.

Whatever the case, it's not his fault. There's no such thing as an illegitimate child...just illegitimate parents.

Many children today are from unwed couples. Illegitimacy doesn't bear the stain that it once did.

Most of us wouldn't have to search very far in our ancestry to find a bastard or two. We should just be thankful that we are here, however we got here.

So, Mr. Obama, just come clean and admit the truth. You'll feel better and your life will be much simpler.

Besides, think of the many children and adults out there who would be destigmatized by such a revelation. Honesty is truly, the best policy.

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