Monday, November 02, 2009
The Real Bigots

I wonder why is it that any style or genre of music, (except, perhaps, Country & Western,) as long as it's performed by a "black artist," qualifies for the Soul Train or B.E.T. awards. Yet, if Clarence Thomas and Alan Keyes don't tow the line of the liberal agenda as laid out by the left, they say, "They aren't really black."
I wonder why is it that our president, who has as much white heritage as black, is automatically considered "African-American" simply because he has some measure of African blood. (Or, is it simply the way he looks?) Yet, Bill Clinton was called by many the "first black president" because he came from a broken home and always was just one step ahead of the law.
America has fought a civil war, endured decades of segregation, even apartheid, passed several Constitutional amendments and suffered more lynchings than I can stomach to contemplate. Was it all so simple-minded bigots can make asinine pronouncements like "He's black" or "He's white" in a disgusting attempt to frighten and manipulate the uninformed mob? Was it merely so the narrow-minded can foist upon the willingly ignorant masses their myopic schemes of control through fear, intimidation and political correctness? Has our country learned no more than that? Have we, as Americans, learned no more than that? So much for judging a man by the "content of his character."
When I see my president, I don't see a black man who has overcome generations of struggle against hate in our great,but imperfect, nation. No, I just see another white liberal trying to take my freedom away from me and my family.
So, I ask myself a question: Who is the real bigot here? The bigots are the ones who want to cram everyone into nice, neat little boxes that fit whatever particular political or social agenda they possess at any given moment. As I write this blog, I can't help but wonder, what they will do with Darius Rucker?
Labels: Africa, Alan Keyes, apartheid, B.E.T., Barack Obama, bigotry, Bill Clinton, Clarence Thomas, Darius Rucker, prejudice, Soul Train