Saturday, January 23, 2010


Dear Bill

This is an email I sent to Bill O'Reilly Recently. I haven't gotten an answer yet.


Dear Bill:

Love your show and watch it on a more-or-less regular basis. I must say, though, that I was shocked and stupefied when you began your broadcast tonight with the words, "Thanks for watching the first Factor of the new decade."

Come on, Bill! You know the new decade doesn't begin until 2011! I know you can count to ten. I was perturbed to hear the asinine teleprompter readers say in 2000, "The start of the new millennium" only to hear them whisper at the start of 2001, "This is actually the start of the new millennium."

I didn't expect the same in-crowd dribble from you that I hear from the rest of the talking heads on t.v. I suppose it doesn't really matter when the decade starts of you don't care about math or a simple thing like the truth.

I still think your great, most of the time, but would be amiss if I said I'm not disappointed to hear you, of all people, tow the line this way.
Thanks for watching out for us!

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