Friday, April 06, 2007


No more Vietnams!

I wrote this letter to the editor of my local newspaper and he was kind enough to publish it. He must be insane!


“No more Vietnams!” I hear it more and more as the war in Iraq goes into another year. “No more Vietnams!” It’s like some sort of macabre rallying cry for those who think that the war in Iraq, or even the War on Terrorism in general, is a waste of American time, resources and lives.

Well, I for one am in full agreement. I say, “No more Vietnams!” No more a war in which the American soldier is called a “Nazi” or a “baby killer”not only by crazed, bitter and anti-American residents of our nation, but by like-minded Congressmen and Senators. No more those who oppose the war cherry-picking disgruntled veterans and using them as naive, (or in some cases not so naive,) propaganda tools. No more a war in which the American soldier is not honored and supported for his service and sacrifice while at the front and on his return home.

“No more Vietnams!” No more a war in which deserters and, if not draft-dodgers, per se, veritable traitors who attack and undermine the policy and strategy of their commanders are called “heroes” by those who loathe the American military and all the goodness for which they stand. No more an American electorate which is so willfully ignorant and self-absorbed that they quickly lose their tenacity because they don’t see a threat that is global, evil, tireless and will not go away just because we don’t want to be bothered.

“No more Vietnams!” No more equating murderous pigs who torture, behead and blow up women and children, not to mention, our soldiers and marines, with “freedom fighters” from our country’s past. No more using euphemisms for the enemy like “insurgent.”

“No more Vietnams!” No more a war where Allied troops win every battle along with the hearts and minds of indigenous friendlies only to have our Congress declare defeat in the face of victory. No more American Senators and Congressmen who don’t have the leadership, patience or intestinal fortitude to fight the good fight and keep the faith even though the battle may be long and hard.

“No more Vietnams!” No more a war in which our Congress passes arcane, myopic and convoluted “non-binding resolutions” designed to micro-manage the war and hog-tie our military because the Legislature mysteriously fears simply cutting off funding for something they claim is wrong. No more our military being slowly bled to death by cowards and small-minded, little men and women who would rather please Hollywood and schmooze with silly, mindless actors than make the mature, hard choices that being at war for our survival involves.

“No more Vietnams!” No more a war where our military’s full might is not unleashed against our enemy wherever they may be including contiguous nations who supply our foe with the wherewithal to murder men and women.No more a war in which the national troops with whom we stand are demeaned and reproached by those who think of themselves as “leaders” of our country.

“No more Vietnams!” No more a war where politicians with aspirations to one day take up residence on Pennsylvania Avenue, deride and falsely accuse our Commander-in-Chief in nothing more than cynical endeavors to advance their own careers. No more pathetic, parochial politicians who believe the world revolves around them and their political campaigns, nay-saying any and every thing that the commanders on the ground and the commander in the White House does to win the war.

“No more Vietnams!” No more giving a tinker’s dam about what the U.N.,the French, the Germans or any other back-water, has-been, jealous of America, petty little “second world” nations think about us or how we conduct our business and our defense! (They really don’t like us anyway, and for my part, with few exceptions, I don’t like them.)

“No more Vietnams!” No more a war where America abandons and betrays our friends and allies who have already sacrificed more than we can imagine and who will pay even more once the “Great Satan” has been sent home with his tail tucked neatly between his legs. No more a war that when that ally is under attack and requests we return to save the day, they receive only a rude “no!” and then fall to the very predator we had given so many lives to protect them from.

“No more Vietnams!” No more war where the only memorial to the sacrifice of our patriots is a wall full of names and not a newly liberated nation where people know freedom, who had not known it before and that our own nation is a little more respected and trusted by our friends. More importantly, our nation is a little more safe and secure and we have a little more respect for ourselves.

No more Vietnams? I’ll say!

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nice the man.
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