Friday, November 02, 2007


Poor Hillary!

Poor Hillary! She can't help it! She's a victim of circumstances.

She married a man who spent pretty much their entire marriage chasing skirts other than hers. How could she have known? It's not her fault!

She finally gets herself elected to an office, using her philandering husband's name, and is soon abused by a deceiving president. He lied to her! How could she have known? It's not her fault!

Now, here she is again. All she wants is to be president! These awful, mean, abusive men are lying to her and lying about her. Poor Hillary!

I suppose someone might say that if she's not smart enough to know her husband is playing the field and that the president lied to her about WMD's, that she's not smart enough to be president. Sounds like something a man would say.

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