Thursday, September 11, 2008


The Lesser of Two Evils?

We are all about the "lesser of two evils." We make so many of our decisions thinking, "Well, it could be worse."

Granted, counting our blessings and looking for that silver lining is admirable. Yet, we, far too many times, sacrifice the best for the good.

Now, I'm not one who can set in judgement over anyone! My life is so full of hypocrisies and contradictions that I often don't know which way is up. There are things that I hardly blink at and there are things that I'll die for. Of course, there are many things in the middle that I react to in a host of almost indeterminable ways.

So, what's my point? I'm getting to that.

I certainly don't mean to be harsh or accuse anyone that I'm fond of and respect as being "evil." Still, in this election, as in so many things in life, I hear the words the "lesser of two evils" over and over again.

I am a traditional conservative, (and I know what that means.) I am pro-life, pro-gun and pro-family. I believe their are right ways and wrong ways to do things. I think, with faith in God, we can do the right thing. I am constantly reminded of what my father said, "If any way will do, then no way will do just as well."

Now, we've got a couple of presidential candidates, one of which, is completely unacceptable if you truly believe in a loving, yet, holy God. The other, while a fine man of singular character and integrity, is a hard pill to swallow for us federalist minded conservatives. Yes, John McCain has many good qualities that I admire and respect, but virtually all the Republicans I talk to refer to him as the "lesser of two evils."

Furthermore, I am very traditional in my views on the role of women in the family, society at large and the military. Yet, I am faced with being cornered into voting for a woman to be a heart-beat away from becoming Commander-in-Chief. Ironically, though, I am more closely aligned with Governor Palin, politically speaking, than I am with Senator McCain.

I strongly believe that women should get equal work for equal pay, (but the work must be equal,) should be able to extend their education as far as they can financially and intellectually do so and should be able to have a fair shot at any job they are qualified for, (as long as they are truly "qualified" for that job.)

Yes, women and men are equal in the eyes of God. Still, having differing roles does not degrade one's value as human beings or importance to our nation, family or church. We all have a role to play. None more important than another and all very necessary.

Now, speaking as the male chauvinist pig that I am, I am faced with a great conundrum. Should a woman, even a brilliant, conservative, Christian woman be a heart beat away from the presidency? Simply because she can get herself elected? Even more, should I vote for her?

Supposing I do vote for her and she is elected, what then? If a woman is "qualified" to be president, she is darn well qualified for any job! If she is president, that makes her commander-in-chief or our armed forces. Can we honestly then tell women, who so desire, that they can't be in, for example, combat vocations in the military? If commander-in-chief, why not platoon leader? How about combat infantry? The SEALs? The Green Berets? Where do we draw the line? Will we be able to draw a line at all?

I obviously don't think McCain or Palin are evil, (though, I'm not to sure about the other team,) but I'm just a little tired of hearing people say, "Think of the alternative." I'm also greatly surprised about the many chauvinists that I've been hanging with so many years who seem so easily swayed to cast their vote for a woman.

I really don't mean to degrade anyone...especially women! My mother was a woman. My wife is a woman. My daughter is a little woman. I love them all dearly. I'm just not completely convinced that this move will take our country in the Godly direction we claim we desire.

Furthermore, the homogenization of the sexes sounds like a good idea on the surface to some. Yet, upon closer examination, it opens a Pandora's Box that I fear won't advance our society in the way that some theorize it will.

Finally, I know for whom I'm going to vote. So, I'm going to just shut up, bite the bullet, hold my nose and do what, I hope, is the right thing.


I Samuel 16

10 Again, Jesse made seven of his sons to pass before Samuel. And Samuel said unto Jesse, The LORD hath not chosen these.

11And Samuel said unto Jesse, Are here all thy children? And he said, There remaineth yet the youngest, and, behold, he keepeth the sheep. And Samuel said unto Jesse, Send and fetch him: for we will not sit down till he come hither.

12And he sent, and brought him in. Now he was ruddy, and withal of a beautiful countenance, and goodly to look to. And the LORD said, Arise, anoint him: for this is he.

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