Friday, May 22, 2009


It's Only Temporary...Not!

So, my president wants me to believe that the biggest power grab by the federal government in our nation's history is only temporary. Who does he think he's fooling?

I can hear it all now: "Mr. Caesar, you've suspended the Roman Senate and have taken upon yourself absolute dictatorial powers. Are we to believe it's all just temporary?"

"Oh, yes. Just until the crisis passes," replies Mr. Caesar. Alas, the crisis never seems to pass.

I can hear it all now: "Mr. Hitler, you've suspended the German Parliament and have taken upon yourself absolute dictatorial powers. Are we to believe it's all just temporary?"

"Oh, yes. Just until the crisis passes," replies Mr. Hitler. Alas, the crisis never seems to pass.

I can hear it all now: "Mr. Mao, you've overthrown the Chinese republic and have taken upon yourself absolute dictatorial powers. Are we to believe it's all just temporary?"

"Oh, yes. Just until the crisis passes," replies Mr. Mao. Alas, the crisis never seems to pass.

What despot has ever admitted that he wants all the power all the time? Almost without exception, they say, "It's only temporary." Well, we all know the story about the camel getting his nose into the tent.

Now, I am nowhere near calling our president, Caesar, Hitler or Mao. While Mr. Obama is sorely mistaken about many of his views, he will, I'm sure...I pray, never desire nor be able to rise to the diabolical level that those monsters have. Some of his beliefs and ideas, though, do border on and even surpass evil. (Such as his defense of partial birth abortion and allowing children who survive abortions to be left to die without medical care.)

The fact is, this is the normal progression of the loss of freedom. We usually just would rather not deal with life's complicated issues. The first tyrant who comes along and promises to make all the hard decisions for us, simplify our lives and care for us cradle to grave, sweeps us into slavery before we know what hits us. Yes, and he even does so by our own leave.

Now, I don't want to hear anyone say, "Not here!" Look around you. We wouldn't be the first nor the last nation to make that arrogant statement.

By the way, where are all those civil liberty banshees now? Where is all the fear and concern about the feds taking our rights from us? Don't they care about property rights? Don't they care about the right to spend our hard-earned cash as we see fit?

Those people are funny. As long as they can retain the "right" to kill their children in the womb, marry men to men and keep the name of God out of the public forum, they don't seem to care about much else. Yes, "funny" in a bizarre, twisted sort of self-centered way.

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