Thursday, September 10, 2009
"Liar" of the Senate

I am sick at my stomach and thoroughly frosted over the sycophantic press coverage around the death of Saint Teddy the Devine. I suppose they were all trying to make sure they got an invitation to the most recent Kennedy funeral.
Mary Jo Kopechne did not get such favorable coverage. She didn't have the droves of grievers at her funeral. She did get a lot of very catty remarks made in the press about her and her relationship with the married junior-senator.
Somebody tell me, please, just what Teddy Kennedy ever, in his entire life, did for this nation! There is really no major legislation that bears his name. (Except, maybe "No Child Left Behind." Sheesh!) He was a boozer, a philander and a murderer. Not to mention, there was no pile of dead babies stacked high enough to constrain him to be true to his supposed Catholic upbringing and do even the very least to protect the unborn. No, he was more interested in the campaign money he was getting from N.O.W., Planned Parenthood, (there's an Orwellian name for you,) et al.
Teddy Kennedy, like so many in the political world today, was famous for being famous. He was famous, and admired, because he was a Kennedy. John was a war hero; Bobby was, well, he was John's brother too.
I've heard several quotes from the butt-kissing, unashamed liars on the boob-tube, trying to paint Teddy as a statesman who was above the fray. What a load of hog manure!
He was a bitter, jealous man who hated anything remotely attached to traditional family values or genuine Godliness. I've even heard them absurdly claim he never attacked his political adversaries but reached out to them on many occasions. Well, here's one of Teddy's more civil comments concerning George Bush and the war on terror. (Which was, incidently, a war which Teddy never supported.)
"There was no imminent threat. This was made up in Texas, announced in January to the Republican leadership that war was going to take place and was going to be good politically. This whole thing was a fraud."
Here, Teddy stooped so low as to accuse George Bush of manufacturing the war on terror, killing thousands of Iraqi soldiers and civilians, not to mention the thousands of Americans dead, just to advance his own political career. How would Teddy have felt if someone accused John of doing the same thing in Southeast Asia for his own political aggrandizement?
One interesting thing I heard a few years ago is that the Kennedy's are practicaly broke. (Yeah, pretty much down to their last millions. ha!)They've all lived off of Joe P. Kennedy's money for so long that there's almost none left. The rest of the clan has really done nothing productive. (John-John, I think, was the exception.) They're just a bunch of politicians living off trust funds and the tax-payer dollar. Exactly like the tics in my back yard, they're nothing but a bunch of parasites who refuse to get a real job.
Honestly, I would love to be able to just simply say a prayer for the family and forget about all the rest of the dumb stuff, but the over-the-top acclamation for a man who came nowhere near accomplishing anything truly meaningful in his life, is almost more than I can bare. John was a bone-fide war hero; Bobby did...well, not that much either; Teddy was good at getting himself reelected and that for no other reason than his family name. Nothing would please me more than to let this family grieve and say narry a negative word about the deceased senator. The fact is, the poop is being thrown so hard and so fast it's nearly impossible for me to keep from screaming.
Probably, the most nauseating part of this whole burlesque is that Teddy qualifies for burial at Arlington. As a vet myself, I've made it a point to keep up with the regulations for Arlington internment and I don't qualify. Yet, there is this loophole that allows him to slip in since he is a both a veteran and U.S. Senator. (These shiftless civil-servants always take care of one another.) Although I seriously would take nothing away from Senator Kennedy's honorable, yet, uneventful time in the service, the limitied space at Arlington, should be saved for veterans with more exalted service.
I'm only glad there are no more Kennedy brothers. One more Kennedy burial at Arlington and there won't be any space for the real heroes of our nation. Wouldn't it be perfect irony if they transported Teddy's remains to Chappaquiddick and buried him at sea?
Labels: Arlington National Cemetery, Chappaquiddick Island, funerals, John Kennedy, Jr., Mary Jo Kopechne, politics, Senate, Sr., Teddy Kennedy. John Kennedy, veterans