Wednesday, August 15, 2012


Hey, Joe! Bite Me!

So, Joe Bite-me says to black Americans that Romney "gonna put ya'll back in chains!" Funny too, for a moment there, he lost that Maryland accent of his. Don’t suppose he’s faking it, do ya? Well, maybe. Can you get more condescending?

Democrats have no new tricks! Republicans just hate women, poor, blacks, Latinos, we want to starve children and want to give all of our money to the evil rich! I suppose it’s worked for them for decades. Why change it?

This is really funny coming from the people who started a war that would’ve retained slavery, founded the KKK, lynched blacks in the South, voted against the Civil Rights amendment, segregated lunch counters and water fountains, sicked dogs on school children, impoverished a generation by making them government dependents and supported the murder of millions in the womb!

Yeah, Joe! Who do you want in chains?


Oops! Biden was senator from Delaware. Sorry, all Yankees sound the same to me. tee-hee!

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