Monday, October 29, 2007
Kid Tax
It's just as well. If they had printed this one, I'm sure the "Republicans" in my county would have banished me, for sure. Although, after their support for a totally unneeded tax hike, I probably wouldn't have minded.
By the way, the tax was defeated by a two-to-one margin. Hallelujah!
So, here we go again. Sunquist tried his best to get a state income tax, Bredesen gave us the lottery tax and the legislature has tripled the cigarette tax. (Yet, strangely enough, they’ve made it almost impossible to light up in our fair state.) We even get legal liquor tax now. Yet, City Hall has decided that Athens is not paying enough taxes. And guess what! Oh, yeah, you got it. “It’s for the kids”! Sheesh! If the federal, state, county or city government comes up with one more tax “for the kids,” I won’t be able to afford to feed mine!
They tax everything from driving, to owning land, to buying a coke, to playing air hockey to buying a stick of gum. (Is oxygen taxed yet?) Still, they raise taxes every time we turn around and it’s all “for the kids”!
Who can say “no” to the “kids”? What sort of beast would tell the “kids” that we don’t have the money or aren’t willing to pay the money for their education? Certainly, anyone who is unwilling to make the small sacrifice of a silly, little half a percent sales tax must be a heartless cad. It’s only a little half a percent, isn’t it? Well, isn’t it?
The kids need pencils and paper and books and notebooks and squares and compasses and a myriad of other stuff. Someone has to pay for it. Sure, the parents buy lots of this stuff right out of pocket and also have raffles and bake sales along with other creative fund raising projects. Recently, I even had one little girl just walk up to me and flat out ask me for a donation for her school. At least she wasn’t trying to sale me some candle or discount card I really didn’t want or need. Still, It’s not enough.
From the band wagon we hear local politicians, Republican and Democrat, at last, shoulder-to-shoulder, playing in harmony a familiar tune, promising us that the school system needs, desperately needs this sales tax. After all, it’s just a silly half a percent. Well, I guess the Democrat and Republican politicians have found something they can agree on: Stick it to the consumer.
I’m certainly no mathematician, but it doesn’t take an Einstein to understand that there are only one hundred percents in one hundred percent. Today, one hundred dollars of groceries costs me one hundred and nine dollars. Now, that’s after Uncle Sam already has taken thirty plus percent of my income before I ever see it. (Oh, I’m sure Teddy Kennedy and "Little Jimmy" Duncan are spending it wisely though...not!) How many “percents” are left to take?
Now, fifty cents to a man making six figures a year isn’t much, though he, understandably, wants to keep his hard earned cash too. Yet, hit a poor man just a few times like that and you’re soon taking food out of his “kids” mouths.
You know, if you follow the politicians line of reasoning here, you’ll realize that they aren’t wanting to raise the sales tax enough. Why raise it a pitiful half a percent? Imagine how much money Athens could put in its coffers if the sales tax were fifty percent! Wow! Just think of it! Every car, t.v., computer and pound of ground round sold in Athens would gross the city fifty cents on the dollar. Of course, that’s only if anyone were stupid enough to buy anything ever again in the "Friendly City."
Now, I’m not an anarchist and I understand that we need government to pave our roads and police our streets and even, occasionally, teach our children the “Three R’s.” We must pay taxes to fund these worthwhile projects. Yet, taxes, like government, should be kept to a minimum.
If these R.I.N.O. (Republican In Name Only) Republicans really wanted to get money for the schools, they would try some good, old fashioned Reaganomics. Cut taxes! Yes, I said, “cut taxes!” Make Athens a haven from sales tax oppression.
Imagine if we lowered our sales tax to eight or seven or, even, six percent? People would drive for miles for the savings. Our retail stores would be swamped. Even more, industries would break their necks to build plants here. One or two percent to a corporation can result over a short time into millions in savings. Imagine the jobs coming to Athens and McMinn County! Are these RINO’s going to say that Reagan was wrong?
A final thought to those who vote for the tax rate hike. For those who trust politicians to keep their word and spend this money wisely and exactly as promised. For those who think they won’t see this same, sad scenario again within five years. I’ve got some ocean front property in Arizona to sell you. Best of all, the sales tax is only, hmmmmm, five percent? Besides, It’s for my kid.
Labels: Democrat, education, R.I.N.O., Republican, Ronald Reagan, taxes
Tuesday, October 23, 2007
Carbon Off-sets and Indulgences
In 1517, Pope Leo X offered Indulgences for those who gave alms to build St. Peter's Basilica in Rome. It was a simple enough plan. Pay some money; get a piece of paper. Receive guaranteed absolution of sin before, during or after the fact. Sweet!
Today, former Vice-President Al Gore offers and receives, from the "in-crowd," absolution for what lefties would consider environmental sin by simply buying carbon off-sets. How does it work? Burn all the gas you want; create all the carbon pollution you like. Live in big mansions and fly private jets around the world. All you have to do is pay some money; get a piece of paper. Receive guaranteed pardon for your offences against Mother Earth.
The Democrats who always profess that they are for the "little guy" continually show their elitist attitude. They want us to walk to work, turn down our thermostats and generally revert to the stone age. All the while, each of them jet set and live in multiple mansions using more energy than a hundred or a thousand of those "little guys" they claim to represent. Don't worry. It's alright. They have a piece of paper saying they are exculpated of their sins. Once again, because they have extra money, they claim extra privileges.
If I hear one more Democrat say that Al Gore has a "smaller carbon foot print" than I do, I'll barf! Al Gore has really big feet in his private jet and four mansions. They say that he is "carbon neutral," but, if so, why isn't he decreasing a problem that he says is more dangerous than terrorism. Assuming he's right, and he is "neutral," is neutrality the best he strives for?
Well, I've known Al Gore long enough to to expect no less than hypocrisy from him. I even remember when he was adamantly pro-life. I'm sure he imagines he'll one day stand before the God of nature, holding his little "Indulgence" in his hand claiming the exemption that he knows in his heart isn't coming. I pray that he realizes, before it's too late, that the only plea man has for the absolution of any sin, is the Blood of Christ.
Labels: Absolution, Al Gore, Carbon Off-Sets, Global Warming, Indulgences
Tuesday, October 16, 2007
"Hillary the Robot"
Remember in "Lost in Space" how Robot's excitedness was expressed by his simply getting louder? The only difference between "Good morning, Will Robinson" and "Danger, Will Robinson" was the volume.
Listen to Hillary in her speeches. She will drone on and on repeatedly hitting the same pitch making vain attempts at emphases by simply adding more decibels.
She persists with that effected, vapid, condescending tone of hers. She should just go ahead and scrape her nails on a chalkboard and get it over with. It would be about the same.
Granted, Ronald Reagan and Bill Clinton were/are both excellent speakers. They're style was/is natural and they both came across, like them or not, as relaxed and affable.
You'd think bill could help her with a few speaking lessons. I suppose even he can't make a silk purse out of a sow's ear.
Labels: Bill Clinton, Hillary Clinton, Lost in Space, politics, public speaking, Ronald Reagan
Friday, October 12, 2007
Al Gore Wins the Prize!
I suppose he could use the money. I hear TVA is raising the kilowatt rates on all of his mansions.
Well, it didn't take him nearly as long to get his as it did Jimmy Carter. I guess if he can't get elected president of the U.S., maybe the Swedes would like to hire him.
Labels: movies, Nobel Prize, politics
Monday, October 01, 2007
Rock and Roll Jesus???

So, Kid Rock has a new album and song out called "Rock and Roll Jesus" Even more, I just saw an ESPN commercial using it in a sports promo.
Granted, I couldn't understand what Mr. Rock was saying. The lyrics are, as yet, unavailable on the net, apparently since the album is not yet available in the stores. I confess, I am not a big Kid Rock fan. So, I don't want to rush to judgement. Still, It would be a stretch to think that this "song" will be flattering to the Son of God.
I admit, I'm often too flippant and rarely, I'm sure, serious enough about my faith. Yet, too many use our Saviour's name in ways that they shamefully don't feel any shame for. Our society, in general, brags far too much about being far too irreverent. Although it may be sometimes cute or, perhaps, funny, we are lowering our standards and humour in ways that, in the long run, our nation is already beginning to regret.
Lastly, I can't help but wonder. If the song had been "Rock and Roll Muhammed," would they have still used it?
Labels: Christian, Jeusus, Muhammed, Music, Muslim, Rock and Roll